Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Week 9, Exercise 20

A coworker suggested today that I look up "The Secret" on YouTube. I found that there were many entries for it. Here's one that offers an appealing way to remember the ideas.

There is quite an amazing range of material presented. One video I encountered shared a teenager's angst at being humiliated on a TV show. I have to wonder at the wisdom of baring one's soul in this manner for some of the responses were so unkind. I can't help but wonder if he didn't feel worse in the end.

Potential library uses for videos: storytelling, tutorials

Site components that could transfer: what's new at..., popular [books] for mobile devices

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

What an uplifting YouTube video! Another thought on YouTube in the library -- the tour of Mel Chin's work in the library.