Sunday, February 4, 2007

Week 4, Exercise 8

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?
A: Pulls all your interests together into one access point. Saves time; very convenient.

How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life?
A: Am anticipating that it will help monitor SJMN's coverage of library news.

How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?
A: 1) Alert customers when we have news to share. 2) Open a conversation with them.

OK - this was definitely useful to learn about, but... it took way too long to find co-workers' feeds to subscribe to. After what felt like hours, I still had located only three. I'm frankly not quite sure why I would want to subscribe to someone else's feeds. After all, I suspect that my own will present more than enough challenge to keep up with. That may be the flip side of technology - that it makes it incredibly easy to blow your time away without even realizing it. Unfortunately, today was another one of those weird "technology is not my friend" days. I set up my bloglines account, but the validation email never reached my mailbox, even after checking/rechecking that I'd entered the right address and requesting half a dozen times that they send me another validation email. Hence, Bloglines has not activated my account and I cannot share my feeds! I sent them an email asking "what's up?" and received an acknowledgment in my mailbox, so I know that we can communicate. Guess I'll just have to wait to complete this assignment another day. Sigh...

Two days later, I finally have an address for my feeds:

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